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Terror creates fear, it could create hate but it would most certaintly create solidarity and strength. (2015-01-07) The day 2015-01-07 an office in Paris was attacked by gun men and several journalists were killed. My sincerest condolences for the victims of the attack at the offices of Charlie Hebdo. (A French satirical weekly newspaper). NRK report in Norwegian about the attack. and The Guardian article about the attack. The image to the left is a mix from these two sources and it is stored on this site. The link is to a song i hope can help comforting everyone. It is called Mitt lille land (My little country). Friheten er sterkere enn frykten, (The freedom is stronger than the fear) a cite from King Harald, a fantastic pesonality. - Petter Arild  
Mitt Lille Land the 2011-07-22 tragedy The day 2011-07-22 around 15:00 a bomb blew in the centre of Oslo. The government quarter had been hit. A few hours later, more news came and there had been shooting at the island Utøya. Another day later the enourmous number of killed and wounded people became visible. 22 July 2011 is indead a special day in the Norwegian history. There were way to many speculations after this tragedy and I hope we will learn to the next time not to accuse anyone until we find clear evidences. My thougths go to all the victims of the tragedy. If only one person did this, my thougths goes to his friends and family. From this day the day is definately changed. I will also send my apology to everyone that felt them selves accused after this tragedy. I hope we will learn not to make any jumped conclusions the next time. Thank you so very much to everyone that helped in these situations and to everyone that have given their caring and comforting thoughts. The picture links to a song that i hope can help comforting everyone. It is called Mitt lille land and it got a new meaning this sad day. Friheten er sterkere enn frykten, a cite from King Harald, a fantastic pesonality. - Petter Arild  

Finally it appears the web server is healthy again. The was attacked on 2009-05-02, and since it was not possible to 100% getting rid of all traces from the attack the server has been in safe mode till 2009-06-10. On the following link you might read some about all the issues.

The Epicentre and the Tsunami; clcik for details

The day 2004-12-26 07:58 local South Asian time an Earthquake measuring 9 on Richter scale hit a dozen countries. Nearly a quarter million people died. I'd like to express my greatest sympathy and condolence with every one affected - Petter Arild
"Perhaps one of the most devastating natural disasters ever;" affecting at least seven countries, killing tens of thousands of people and jeopardizing millions more. - Jan Egeland, UN Emergency Relief Coordinator (Critics)

Our greef today The day 2004-03-11, was and is a very sad day for People of spain and the people in the rest of the world. I'd like to express my greatest sympathy and condolence with my friends in Madrid and Spain. I really do feel strongly with you.. - Petter Arild  

It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow - Robert H Goddard

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